Tales LARP Chapter 36: The Extinguished Sun
Chislehurst Caves Chislehurst Caves, Caveside Cl, Old Hill, Chislehurst BR7 5NL
In case you missed it: Tenebra is a Nordic style horror LARP experience by Ghostlight NPO, our first case takes place in the haunting halls of Castle Tihange, Huy, Belgium.We...
The player characters are exiles from the great* and benevolent* Protectorate, cast down for their crimes* into a wasteland where they scrabble for survival. There is one way back to...
The Play's the Thing LRP is a Shakespeare-inspired one-shot LARP event that will run at Raywell Park Scout Activity Centre, Riplingham Rd, Raywell, Cottingham HU16 5YL, UK, from Friday 3rd July...