Reunion: Run 2

Lattice Lodge Lattice Lodge 499 Woodbridge Road Ipswich IP4 4EP United Kingdom

Dirty Laundry were the hardest-living of rock bands, whose wild shenanigans were more than a match for their incandescent performances. Indigo Crush were the slickest of manufactured pop outfits, with...


Helicon: Run 2

Broholm Castle Broholm Castle, Gudme, Denmark

It has been fifteen years now, since a group of exceptionally talented students at an elite English university discovered a way to lure the Muses of antiquity into their presence,...


The Smoke

Theatre Deli London 107 Leadenhall St, London EC3A 4AF, UK

The Smoke, London's international chamber larp festival, is a bold exploration of storytelling and creativity. Embracing innovation, it offers diverse LARP narratives that push boundaries and invite participants into fresh,...


Empire: Jackdaw’s Winter Rest (player event)

The Mount Without The Mount Without, Upper church lane, Bristol

Pris, Jackdaw's Call, invites you to a gathering of Virtue within the depths of Sermersuaq. Expect celebration, discussion and debate, but most importantly, wrap up warm and be prosperous in...
