Dungeon Quest: A Temple Darkly

Lagan Airsoft Club 17g station view bt17 0ae Belfast, United Kingdom

The mighty castle Zalem has fallen, consumed by the ocean. Almost everyone made it out through a portal opened in the dining hall which provided transportation to the lowest point of the castle, from which the heroes were able to jump off into the shallows of an ocean before the castle tipped and plunged below...


Dungeon Quest: Can’t Stop the Rot

Lagan Airsoft Club 17g station view bt17 0ae Belfast, United Kingdom

The tiny hamlet of Petra, is the next destination, little more now than a way-station occasionally used by travelers on their way to the city of Shalespatz. Once a thriving mining town, Petra’s riches are now gone and the townspeople forgotten. The town was never truly a mining town, although it now retains the scars...
