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OS: Incident on Research Base KU516 (sanctioned)

March 21 @ 8:00 am March 23 @ 5:00 pm

You have been requested to investigate why there has been no response from scientific research base KU 516. Contact was lost a few days ago and the lack of communication has caused the alarm to be raised.
It is known the base is owned by Bentham Utilities, and leased out to Terran Ascendancy scientists. Base KU516 is a medical research facility, with a full complement of staff, including men, women and children’s educational facilities.
It has long been rumoured that station Ku516 have conducted experiments into genetic and chemical warfare research. The Terrain Ascendancy have responded to such questions with complete silence. Of course, the refusal to elaborate has fuelled all sorts of conspiracy theories, some of which may even have some truth to them.
More information about the situation will be incoming.

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